Hello Hashnode!!!


1 min read

Hello Hashnode!!!

Lucky Day

Yesterday I was surfing on internet and I got to know about dev blogging.

Many times heard about it but never know where to start and if I am ready to do blogging ...then I came across some videos (links are below) and it changed my perspective of blogging. First I thought it was to show people what you do, code but then Adrian Twarog said blog for yourself and not for anyone as it's just like a repository for future yourself Blog-2.jpg

To do day -

Therefore I am writing a blog today to thanks the timeline that leed me here ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Video link - Adrian Twarog Programmers That Don't Blog Should Start Right Now

My GitHub Profile - AnmolVerma404

My Twitter - @AnmolVe97231707

My LinkedIn Profile - Anmol Verma
